We are all about pure leather
Owning a leather bag is one of the pure pleasures of life. Every time you handle your leather bag, you will smell pure leather and you will feel the quality. This is what Osonjiva Leather brings you – pure leather pleasure at an affordable price.
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Quality leather products
Leather is an incredible material that has been used throughout history for durable clothing, accessories and tools.
Osonjiva Leather offers you a variety of well designed, quality pure leather bags for both men and women. Due to the roughness and texture of pure leather, every bag is unique. Our bags are locally manufactured in South Africa.
One needs to understand that leather is beautiful yet a unique rough natural material. Every piece of hide differs and non are identical or without any markings.
These markings are natural and encountered during any animal’s lifetime. The majority of our bags are from cowhide and these animals are living outside in nature and therefore there are creases and growth marks on the back of their necks from grazing on grass. These creases appear as interesting textured lines on leather products. You will find different pieces of leather, some are smoother, some are thinner, some are more textured than other and some have unique markings on it. Cattle can live for a period of 15 to 20 years and these animals also injure each other or themselves during their lifetime.
All these markings and textures adds to the character of each piece of leather and later to the end product that Osonjiva Leather brings you.
Furthermore, the precise colour of the bags may vary slightly as all the leather pieces goes through a specific process and the colours that you see should be used as an approximate guide. The sizes of the bags may also differ with 1-2 cm due to the fact that it is hand measured and cut.
All the above facts contribute to the uniqueness of Osonjiva’s products.